15th January 2022
Web Design has been my main interest since 2001/2002 when as a young twelve or thirteen year old I frequented one of the early Harry Potter fansites and wanted to make my own. My first websites weren't great, but I never gave up. Over the next year or so I started learning HTML and the then traditional table based layouts. In September 2004, shortly after I had turned 15, I did my Work Experience through school with an at home PHP Developer, and from there I started learning PHP and MySQL, when table layouts started dying out in the mid-to-late 2000s I started learning CSS and making my first DIV based layouts, and since then I have always kept learning.
From 2017 onwards I started learning more Object Orientated PHP and applying that methodology to my projects, and not long after that I started learning and using Laravel more, which I have now become a bit of an enthusiast for, and it is my go to for new projects following Test Driven Development, and using strict code standards with PHP CS Fixer and PHPStan/Larastan.
Along with learning Laravel, Tailwind CSS has become my go to choice instead of writing my own traditional CSS files, and this coupled with VueJS and now more recently, InertiaJS, have all together become my main preferred tech stack.